Hydromec携大型自由锻液压机首次亮相2015中国国际金属成形展览会 展位号:G18 欢迎业界人士莅临展台!
We are glad to inform you that Hydromec will participate to Metal form China 2015 , Hydromec the italian leading company specialized in the construction of presses highly advanced hydraulic and mechanical fully integrated with automations and several patented solutions which are able to grant outstanding performances in the hot forming process . Hydromec will welcome in our stand G 18 to all visitors and customers that during the exhibition time will joint us. Hydromec will take the opportunity to present the latest axial-radial ring rolling mills series LAR 630 which include the latest improvement in regards of energy saving and the new forging optimization software , which will improve the kinematic of the ring rolling mills . Hydromec staff will be at your complete disposal for a widening on their technical speeches or others any needs .